Blog post #2

Microsoft Word 12

Razvan Antonescu

CC by 2.0 License 

Throughout my life as a student I have been using MS word constantly for majority of my assignments. In elementary school, I would use it to write stories/ essays and sometimes for projects such as the science fair. In middle and high school, I would use it for papers, designing binder covers, and making comparison charts for readings. Here at FSU I especially use it a lot for writing my discussion posts before I submit them, taking notes and making study guides. I prefer this over other software’s such as google word because I am used to it and comfortable with it. Having used it for so many years makes it easy to navigate through. 

I think that the ISTE standards for educators are very important because they help motivate teachers and students. It provides statements for how to help students collaborate, learn, and understand better. The standard that I believe is the most meaningful is "Educators design authentic, learner-driven activities and environments that recognize and accommodate learner variability". To me this means that teachers create beneficial activities to help students learn no matter what level they are at. This is extremely important because the lesson should be able to accommodate each student’s needs so no one is left behind or not understanding the topic. Making sure the environment you are in providing resources for help, and motivation is as well important for your student’s success. 

The term "digital native" refers to the population of people that were born into the technology period. I would agree with this term because they are considered to start learning right away with technology and to never have used old items such as landlines and rotary phones. I have not seen too many differences between me and my teachers with technology, majority of them have learned how to use social media and websites. There were sometimes in my classes when they would ask if a student could help figure out the projector, or volume but nothing more than that. I think this has impacted my learning to be based off of technology since majority of teachers constantly used electric whiteboards, websites for homework, YouTube videos for help, and even making twitter accounts to stay interactive. I think with future students most educators will be prepared with the right knowledge for technology but new systems may come out which will cause for some help to be needed.
